Maw of the Void now functions despite the Blindfolded status, making this a very valuable item for the challenge.Devil room deals such as Brimstone, Maw of the Void, and Mom's Knife will be ineffective, because of the blindfolded status.Obtaining the Rune of Algiz, Chaos Card, A Card Against Humanity, or The Bible can make killing Mom and Mom's Heart/ It Lives! much easier.As this will not remove Isaac's Blindfolded status, it is possible to reroll items in such a way that the run can no longer be completed. It is not advised to reshuffle Isaac's items.Obtaining Book of Revelations makes The Harbingers easier to find, allowing Cube of Meat and Ball of Bandages to be found more often.Collecting two cubes of meat grants you a tear-shooting familiar, that is not affected by the blindfold.

The orbiting attack flies can be quite powerful, especially Distant Admiration when used properly.This allows Isaac to amass a large number of friendly flies on the Basement floors. Because Isaac starts with 3 Fly items, he will also begin the challenge as Beelzebub.As Isaac is blindfolded, Isaac cannot use tears, and must rely entirely on Distant Admiration, Forever Alone, and bombs to deal damage.